Sunday, 2 September 2012

From the CCOW weekly prayer newsletter

Time for Creation/Arctic Sea Ice

Every year many churches celebrate "Time for Creation" in the period from 1 September to 4 October. In the UK, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland produces fresh worship resources each year, as well as making accessible resources from prior years.  The theme of this year's "Time for Creation" is "Sustainable Energy in Creation," and there are prayers, sermon notes, small group notes and other resources that explore the theme available on their website.  If you'd like something slightly more general, you might want to look at the resources with the theme "Creation Flourishing" and the collection of readings, prayers and news items assembled for the Climate Change Day of Prayer.

An environmentally-focused itm for prayer that has been much in the news of late concerns the Arctic Sea ice. You may have seen NASA's announcement that the Arctic sea ice has reached its lowest level since satellite measurements began in 1979 ... even though there are still several weeks to go before the sea ice's anticipated minimal point for the year. The polar regions are warming extremely quickly, and there are fears that feedback loops are creating the circumstances for ever greater heating and melting. This could in turn affect many other phenomena, including the Greenland ice sheet, whose melting would raise sea levels. Melting polar ice may also cause more extreme weather in the US and Europe.

Please pray that humanity may have a change of heart and may learn to treasure God's wonderful gift of Creation, giving thanks for it, rejoicing in it, and respecting it as gift rather than as something to be plundered. Pray that this change of heart will enable us to take the steps we need to take in order to keep emissions down and to limit global warming. 

 Creation resources  from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland here 

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