Thursday, 21 July 2011

Oxfordshire Association of Young People
Rural NEET Project Worker

Full time (37 hours per week) fixed term contract starting 1st September and ending 31st March 2012.

Salary Range £21,525 to £24,166 per annum depending on experience and qualifications.
The project officer will be required to: 

a. Provide support to parents and families seeking assistance in relation to progression and transition needs.
b. Offer advice services for young people that cover the breadth of personal development, social development and learning development topics and barriers that Young People in Oxfordshire face in relation to EET participation, teenage choices and decisions.
c. Deliver engagement programmes including: - Activities to draw young people into linking with the service. - Self assessment activities to aid young people in identifying their strengths and employment interests and attributes. - Aspects of employability or personal development as suitable for the particular needs of Young People living in rural locations.
d. Record the provision offered as Advice services through the CCIS system and within data protection and confidentiality practices.
e. Give Opportunities for Young People to comment on or evaluate the advice provision they have received.

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