Sunday, 17 April 2011


Gordon Banks a Church Army Evangelist says  planning should start now

The main Christian faith organisation acting as an umbrella and a catalyst is More Than Gold. In particular they are very keen that Churches sign up a Champion who will act as a link between Churches and MTG. For more details check out
And follow this link for a six minute Youtube promotional video designed for Leaders from More Than Gold .

The main Olympic site for the London Olympics 2012

For the Church of England’s response see:

Other ideas:

For rural Churches you should be checking out what it is you already do particularly by way of events. Any event can then be themed along Olympics lines, for example, Holiday Clubs, Flower Festivals, Fete’s and Fairs, Songs of Praise. Also make sure you check out what else might be happening or is being arranged in your village and surrounding area. You want to avoid duplication and conflict of interests so check out other local events well in advance.

1. Cultural welcome – find out if a ‘team’ is proximate and invite them out for a countryside visit and a cream tea.

2. Check out if the Torch Relay passes through or nearby your village and arrange a celebration as they pass through.

3. Organize a mini village Olympics.

4. Arrange an Olympic Pub Quiz

5. Big screen event in your Village Hall, especially for Equestrian events.

Gordon is part of the Rural Evangelism Network and shares his ideas on the new Rural Evangelism Network Website

In the Diocese of Oxford there is a launch evening being held in Oxford on May 17th Click here for more information or contact the Diocesan Co-ordinator,London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games

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