Communities Work - Community Volunteer’s Role Description
The BBC has set up the Switchover Help Scheme through an agreement with the Government to make sure that those who need it most benefit from practical support and advice during the digital switchover process. If you are over 75 years, eligible disabled, or blind or partially sighted, you can get help to switch one television to digital.
There are a number of people who face multiple barriers including physical barriers, mental health barriers and social/economic barriers. These people may have low social networks and may only trust or ask for help of a small number of people.
Your role is to speak to key and trusted people (Community Supporters) within local communities, (in an agreed geographical area), to find ways of reaching and helping those people who need it the most.
1. To attend a workshop to learn about the Help Scheme for the digital switchover and how to engage with trusted people in the community. This will allow you to undertake the role effectively.
2. To visit local communities in order to speak to key and trusted people within those communities to ask:
• Do they know anyone in their local community that could be deemed to have multiple barriers and have little support networks to help them through switchover? If so
o Can the person speak to the identified person and advise them of the Help Scheme or help them switch to digital television.
• Does the person know anyone in the community that could be deemed as a key and trusted person (Community Supporter)? If so:
o Can the person point you in the direction.
o Can the person directly speak to identified person.
3. To re-visit those community supporters to find out if they have helped someone.
4. To send in weekly updates including time spent, how many people you spoken to and any stories.
5. To network with other community volunteers and INSERT ORGs staff in order to ensure the overall management of the project is carried out effectively.
• Access to a computer and ability to use email.
• Ability to travel by own or public transport.
• An enjoyment of meeting new people, building new relationships with local people in communities and networking.
• An understanding of the communities you will be asked to cover
• An understanding that there are people who have barriers and will have limited number of people who may inform them about the switchover and the Help Scheme.
• A key contact Bridget Wythe from Community Impact Bucks to guide you in the role
• Out of pocket expenses for delivering this role
For more informaiton contact Bridget Wythe at Community Impact Bucks on 01296 421036