Monday, 28 March 2011

Christian Rural Concern, CRES & John Ray Initiative
Invite you to
The CRUC,CRES & JRI: Summer Field Day on Saturday 18th June 2011

An opportunity to visit the picturesque village of Hornton in North Oxfordshire, well known for stoneworkers, to have a guided tour round the village and learn something of its history. John Reader, the Anglican Priest responsible for the eight Churches in this benefice, will introduce “The challenges of being Rural Church in the Ironstone Benefice Today.” Then travel to Manor Farm Warmington for lunch and in the afternoon take a farm walk to the land in Hornton Parish that was allocated to smallholders in the eighteenth century and is now set-aside from farming within an environmental scheme.

10-00 to 10-30am Arrive at Hornton Methodist Church for coffee
10-30 am Welcome
10-45am Guided walk round Hornton village
11-45am Talk by John Reader “Challenges of being Rural Church in the Ironstone Parishes today”
12-40pm Travel to Manor Farm, Warmington
1-00pm Lunch
1-50pm CRUC / CRES / JRI news
2-00 to 3-15pm Farm Walk
3-30pm Cup of tea and depart

You are asked to make a contribution towards the costs of the Day of £7
(This will include morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea)

Lifts from Banbury Railway Station can be arranged provided that your train’s arrival is before 9-40am.

To register download booking form from:
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