Sunday 17 February 2013

Food Scandals, Food Systems and Food Choices
written by Maranda St John Nicholle

If "you are what you eat," then a number of us are probably wondering precisely what we are. The recent food scandals have left people wondering to what extent one can trust the labels on products involving ground meat and calling for greater testing and transparency in food chains. It's profoundly to be hoped that the scandals succeed in ensuring both greater testing and transparency in global supply chains, as well as helping people to think more deeply about the implications of where their food comes from.

As Christians, can we take the issues fully on board? Can we view our food choices as relating to our faith ... and use them consistently to express our beliefs, so that they are a testimony to our love of God and God's word? Perhaps we might do this through a concern for justice for all producers (local and global), insistence on sustainability in agriculture, support for accountability and proper regulation, and personal patterns of consumption that emphasise moderation and lack of waste ...

Please pray for wisdom and discernment for all involved in the food industry. Pray for increased transparency and justice for producers. Pray that all Christians may make decisions on food that reflect their faith.

Further Listening:  Four Christian experts (Farmer Roy Lambourne, Theologian and activist Ruth Valerio, Priest and public health expert Mike Rayner, and International Director of Christian Aid Paul Valentin) reflect on "What food means to me ...." at the launch of the Food Matters project.

Food Matters is a new project from the Diocese of Oxford to help churches connect with the seasons and traditional farming festivals, and explore key food related themes:

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