Tuesday 19 June 2012


A new resource from the Diocese of Oxford to help you think about Living Faith:Making a Difference in the World. Designed to use on Sundays in October this resource can in fact be used at any time and in any month. Check it out!


It is said that when worship ends, the service begins. We are sent out to ‘live and work to God’s praise and glory’. In other words, the Christian community is church scattered as well as church gathered.

A Month of Sundays is an opportunity to celebrate the amazing things that we do in the world, and the amazing people that we are. It gives us a chance to name the ways in which we make a difference, to inspire us to new things and to reflect on how we come closer to God as a consequence. We support and care for families, friends, and those who are vulnerable; we give our time to community groups and schools; we live out our faith in our workplaces – and, perhaps most important of all, we hold the world and its struggles in our prayers.

As part of the Living Faith year of Making a Difference in the World, we invite you to embrace an initiative called, ‘A Month of Sundays’. We suggest October 2012, but it’s really up to you to use this resource as and when it is most appropriate for you. Take one, two, three or – better still – all four, of the Sundays in October, and do something a little bit different in your Sunday worship. The conviction behind A Month of Sundays is that each of us brings a unique combination of gifts and talents to God’s world. We each make a difference in our own way, but we don’t often celebrate this!

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