Saturday 29 May 2010

Friday 18th June and Friday 2nd July
10.30am - 4.00pm
Woolhampton Village Hall, Berkshire
“The course was extremely useful and valuable and I learnt a great deal.
"It was good to meet such a good group of people"

An informative and practical workshop to share tools and techniques to help you develop partnerships within neighbourhoods, communities, parishes and organisations.

This two day course is designed for community development workers faced with the challenges of developing collaborative partnerships within communities, neighbourhoods and parishes

The workshops will allow participants to build on their existing community development skills but will also tackle and develop solutions to some of the barriers preventing successful partnerships.

At the end of the 2 day course you will have:
  •  Explored the options and benefits of collaborative working for organisations within rural communities.
  •  Explored ways to reach out to hard to reach groups.
  • Strengthened your partnership development skills.
  • Acquired some new practical tools and approaches.
  • Met other community development workers and shared experiences.

 A reduced charge of £50 is payable for the two days on completion of bursary evaluation forms. Lunch is provided.
To book a place contact Sarah Ward at CCB no later than 1st June 2010 on   07966 236408 or email:

_____posted May 29th 2010_____

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